2012. július 23., hétfő

split large sql dump (the hard way)

I exported a table from a MySQL database using phpmyadmin, and got a 45MiB dump. After bzip’ing, its size went down under 2MiB, the file size limit for importing.
After that, I deleted the table from the original database (I know, I should have renamed it ... too late).

When I wanted to import the dump back to the database, I got a 500 error from the server. After a bit of experimenting, it turned out that the file to be imported has to be under 2MiB uncompressed!

So I was stuck with a huge dump file with a single INSERT statement.

Here is what I did:

  • I searched StackOverflow for ‘split large text file’, read the Q&A Easy Way to Split a Large Text File? and facepalmed since I had not known the standard unix utility split
  • I extracted the “header” of the dump (SET SQL_MODE... etc, and INSERT ... VALUES) to sql_header
  • split --line-bytes 2000000 tablename.sql
    • this way the fragments don’t exceed 2MB and don’t split lines
  • for i in xa? ; do cat sql_header $i | sed "$ s/,$/;/" >tablename_$i.sql ; done
    • this way all fragments got a ; at the end
    • note that in sed $ selects the last line for operation
  • and then I imported the fragments in alphabetical order.

2011. december 6., kedd

... has no corresponding field in template file ....ui.xml

If you are getting strange error messages like
... has no corresponding field in template file ....ui.xml
while working with Google Web Toolkit in Eclipse, double check that you have autobuild on!

2011. december 1., csütörtök

hiba: Leképezési hiba. (Google Dokumentumok)

Ezt a problémát nálam mindig az okozta, hogy pontosvessző helyett vesszőt használtam valamelyik képletben. A hibaüzenetből sok mindenre következtetnék, de erre...?

2011. március 6., vasárnap

2011. február 17., csütörtök

2010. december 6., hétfő

Solved: Eclipse javadoc hover gone

The problem:

I don’t see the usual javadoc hover in Eclipse IDE.


I used the same workspace on different computers, so some file permissions got messed up. This caused an exception in the hover-rendering internals.


Regain ownership over whole workspace: (of course while Eclipse is closed)
user@host:/path/to/workspace$ sudo chown -R ${USER}: .

Additional conclusions:

  • It’s useful to look for errors in ~/.xsession-errors, that receives the standard error of X windows.
  • from man find: -nouser No user corresponds to file's numeric user ID.
  • It’s useful to have a place where I can write down these findings ;) I’m pretty sure I once already solved this problem, but then forgot about it.